Executive Pastor Matt Walker’s faith story began at age 21 when he accepted Christ in the parking lot of a car dealership. He began taking correspondence courses in Biblical and Theological studies through Liberty University while serving in youth ministry, running a small business, and raising a family. Ordained in 2000, Matt and his family moved to Daytona Beach, FL, where he went on staff at Christ Community Church, serving in youth ministry, assimilation, and administration. During this time, Matt also attended Reformed Theological Seminary and

ultimately became the Executive Pastor at CCC. In 2009, Matt and his family followed God’s call to serve as houseparents for at-risk children with financial and social needs in Hershey, PA. While caring for kids, Matt was able to complete his undergraduate degree from Liberty University (B.S. Psychology, Christian Counseling, Business Minor).

On December 1, 2015, Mountain View Community Church called Matt to be the Executive Pastor. Matt and his wife Renee have been married since 1989 and have raised three sons: Who are all married, and are now enjoying life as grandparents. Matt enjoys reading, writing, cycling, hiking and all things football, but especially time with friends and family!